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‘Drága Anyucikám’ is an empowering womenswear collection honoring multigenerational Hungarian heritage and the aspect of constantly being on the go.

Growing up in a European country around inspiring and powerful parental figures, travelling had an important place in the family dynamic. To evoke the confidence and power described in my concept, I chose to create strong, big silhouettes in the collection. These shapes however mix masculine and feminine elements as the light fabrics soften up the strong silhouettes.
Movement has a great importance in the collection: All garments flow with the wearer and create a big impact in the space they move through. The color palette mainly consists of dust like beige, and a rust like orange that evokes aged paper, like old letters that have travelled around the world. These soft colors that encapsulate calm boldness are mixed with bright accents though the knit pieces. 

To show how my family’s relationship and opportunities with travelling evolved, I have mainly based my collection in a digital environment to accommodate the fast changes in today’s mainly digital world. By blending the line between real and unreal and recreating textile elements such as knitwear in digital software, I travel into a digital world that is waiting for me to be explored.

Time Travel Through The Decades: Projects


My main area of focus during this project ended up being the representation of digital knitwear. 
Using physically created knitwear, I explored CLO3D's textural rendering abilities and recreated the hand weaved fabric on multiple outfits throughout my collection.

Time Travel Through The Decades: Text
Digi Knit Page.png
Time Travel Through The Decades: Image
Time Travel Through The Decades: Portfolio


The process of creating digital knitwear during my project can be separated into two parts. The first being the physical knit piece manufacturing on a industrial knit machine, and the second one being the editing and texturing of the scanned in textiles pieces. In this project, I have used photoshop and CLO 3D to recreate the wanted textile pieces.

Time Travel Through The Decades: Text
Time Travel Through The Decades: Portfolio
Time Travel Through The Decades: Image
Time Travel Through The Decades: Image
Time Travel Through The Decades: Pro Gallery


Time Travel Through The Decades: Text
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